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Collecting Orders from Our Warehouse
Collecting Orders from Our Warehouse
Updated over a week ago

Warehouse Pickup Policy

As part of our commitment to efficiency, order accuracy, and quality control, we do not offer direct order collection from our warehouse as a standard option. Instead, we rely on our established shipping and delivery processes to ensure that your orders are processed and delivered to you in a timely and reliable manner.

Why Warehouse Pickup Isn't Available

Our decision not to offer warehouse pickup is based on several key factors:

  1. Product Locations: We offer a wide range of products, and these products may be produced at different locations depending on their type and customisation requirements. This means that the availability of warehouse pickup may vary for different product categories.

  2. Quality Assurance: All orders processed through our standard shipping and delivery channels undergo rigorous quality checks and inspections to ensure that you receive products of the highest quality. This level of quality control is more challenging to maintain with direct warehouse pickups.

  3. Efficiency: Our order fulfilment process is optimised for efficiency, allowing us to process and dispatch orders promptly. Direct warehouse pickups could disrupt this process and lead to delays for other customers.

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